Try to get involved - wrestling is a close knit sport, and you will meet people from not only all across the state, but across the nation. Fellowship and fun are rampant throughout this great sport, and there is nothing like being around people who understand discipline, hard work, professionalism and success.
We are looking for several organized people to become involved in the Booster Club. Boosters are vital to the success of the program. They help us plan and organize fundraising and help run the youth and high school tournament that we put on.
Parents will be allowed in the wrestling room during practice. However conversation and distractions need to be kept to a minimum. As coaches we are here to ensure that we bring out the best in every individual in the room. Please let us do our jobs.
Info About Matches
We try to have everyone wrestle in as many duals/tournaments as possible. No one is cut in this sport, and everyone will be able to compete at some level. Matches are determined by the weight of each wrestler. During 7th, 8th, and 9th grade meets we will try to keep weight of each wrestler as close as possible, however, we also evaluate the skill level of each wrestler. We also don’t want someone to be out matched and try to have even matches by skill. This is sometimes difficult and as hard as we try a match may end very quickly due to a pin. A visiting team that does not have enough wrestlers may require us to wrestle teammates.
Never leave without letting a coach know, please ask before leaving. We able to get 7th 8th and 9th graders 2 and 3 matches at some meets. Please don’t assume just because you wrestled once you are done. It will depend on how many wrestlers the other team has and how many officials we have. We will always try to get two matches for your child. It all depends on the weights and number of wrestlers that other teams bring with them.
Make sure to note the difference between the 7th, 8th, 9th, JV, and Varsity Schedules. Your son will not attend every meet listed on the schedule. Tournaments will be held across the state of South Dakota throughout the season typically every Saturday.
Weight Loss
Weight loss is a part of the sport of wrestling. I have been around the sport to know that there are proper ways to loose weight and remain healthy. I will work with each wrestler individually on a plan that will fit their needs and keeps them healthy for competition. The Dr. will certify each wrestler and then you will have to sign a form that says you agree with his professional opinion. The date for certification this year is December 17th. Proper diet and nutrition are important to a wrestler’s success.
Guidelines for Uniforms
Always turn in ALL parts of the team uniform after we get home from competition. This is to ensure that we have uniforms for everyone that competes and so that we all look like a team.
In order to make the uniforms (singlets) last we need you to take good care of them. We need them to last awhile!
Guidelines for Practice Gear
Wash your practice clothes!
Report any and all injuries to the head coach. We will then meet with the trainer and identify a plan of action. If a child is hurt during a practice or match an accident form must be completed and turned into the school. It is important that we are made aware of any and all injuries that happen. Wrestling is a physical sport there is always a chance that a child may be hurt. We do everything we can to minimize the risk of injury.
This year we will have a photo company come take our team and individual photos. I hope you will consider purchasing even just a team picture for your child’s keepsake. The night will be announced at practice and information will be sent home with your wrestler.
If your son would like to ride home with you from a tournament, you will need to have a note signed by the Activities Principal, Mr. Dorman, before we leave town. This is policy and there is no way around it. If you are thinking about it, but not sure, it is better to have a note just in case.
Lincoln Patriot Wrestling
What We Expect:
Commitment to:
Being in School. You need to be here, get your work done, study hard and excel in the classroom so that you can excel on the mat.
Being at practice and being there on time everyday.
Having discipline in your personal life.
Being a positive person at home and at school.
Be a leader in every aspect of your life; home, school, and other activities you are in. Remember you represent not only yourself, but your family and school as well.
Represent the Patriots with PRIDE and CONTROL yourself at all times.
Listen to your coaches, teachers, and parents at all times. Remember we are here for you.
CLASS, The true test of a man is how he handles adversity.
True COURAGE is doing what is right.
Practice hard, push yourself and your teammates to continually improve.
Great things happen when we commit to ourselves and to each other. Wrestling is both an individual and a team sport. You are on the mat by yourself, but there is a team that is there to support you throughout the season.
You are a role model, even if you do not realize it. As a member of the Patriot wrestling program, people are constantly watching you. Make sure you are proud of how you are conducting your life.
A winner is humble and does not need the praise in his achievements. Others will do that for you.
Set Goals, both personal and team.
Dedicate yourself to these goals. Do everything within your power to succeed in attaining your goals.
Winners expect to win, losers hope to win. Prepare to win and believe in yourself and your team.
Remember that wrestling is a very demanding sport. It can drain you physically and mentally throughout the season so it is important that you eat right, and get proper sleep.
Come ready to WORK HARD and have a great season. Remember to set your goals, and have the COURAGE to see them through!
Mark Ernster
Cell: 310-9371
Patriot Wrestling Lettering Policy
Varsity Lettering Guidelines
Successfully complete the entire season.
Score 30 varsity team points.
Participate in 12 varsity competitions.
Seniors who compete in 3 years of wrestling.
Special situations that are decided by the coach to make a person eligible to letter.
Junior Varsity Guidelines:
Member of the Junior Varsity Team
Successful completion of the season
Sophomore Letter:
Successful completion of the season
Freshman and 8th grade lettering:
Successful completion of the season
All lettering is at the discretion of the head coach.
Attendance Policy:
* Attendance to all practices is mandatory.
* If you do not practice, you will not compete. There are exceptions when it involves a Dr. visit or a family emergency.
* If you have tests or other work to make up, do it in the morning or over your study hall. It is not acceptable to miss practice due to make-up work.
* If we are going to be gone for competition, you need to work with your teacher and get the work in advance.
* Remember, you must be in school on the day of competitions to compete.
* If you skip practice do not expect to compete. Excessive absences will result in removal from the team. Remember that your coaches and teammates rely on you to be here. Be COMMITTED to yourself, your team and your family.
PERSONAL GOALS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What are you going to do to get there?
What are you going to do to help us get there?
Questions, comments, concerns about the upcoming season? What can we do to help you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Agenda Items: Pre-Season Parent/Athlete/Coach Meeting
I. Communication expected from coach to parents/guardians and athletes
1. Introduction of Coaches: Mark Ernster
Assistants: Mike Long, Drake Bachmeier, Robiel Tesfaldet
2. Coaching Philosophy: We, the wrestling coaches at Lincoln High School feel that our job as coaches is twofold: First, we want to help each athlete in our program gain a complete knowledge of the sport of wrestling, their fundamental skills, rules, and the strategy involved in each. Second, and more importantly, to develop in each athlete the capacity to successfully compete in the world outside of athletics. To be modest in victory and reflective in defeat and to make sacrifices that this sport and life requires.
II. Communication expected from parents/guardians to coach
1. Notification of any practice/contest conflicts well in advance.
2. Specific concerns regarding coach’s philosophy.
3. Decisions and judgments are not personal. They are based solely on what is best for all team members. Coaches are professionals and parents must trust that the goal of success in all matters guides decisions. In general, playing time or other student athletes are not discussable items.
4. What to do if things do not go the way parents or child wishes.
5. Discussion with the coach is encouraged.
Examples: Treatment of your student athlete, mentally or physically.
Ways to help your child improve.
Concerns about attitude.
Academic and eligibility concerns.
III. Team information
1. Locations/times of all practices and contests. – Calendar
2. Attendance policy. You need to be in practice to compete.
3. Making the team, staying with the team, cut policy.
4. Playing time and position changes.
5. Appropriate dress for practice, games home and away.
6. Lettering requirements.
7. Lost equipment or uniforms.
8. Off-season conditioning.
IV. Academics and Eligibility
1. SDHSAA rules – http://www.sdhsaa.com/
2. Discipline as directed by School Policy and other team rules that may result in the denial of your son/daughter’s participation.
V. Safety – National Institute for Athletic Health & Performance
1. Inform parents and athletes of inherent dangers of catastrophic injuries in your sport. – Sports Clinic –VanDemark Building on Saturday morning 9-10:30
2. Sanford trainer, Brian Fox, will work with Lincoln athletes.
3. Practices are conducted in a safe manner.
4. Insurance coverage is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
VI. Travel
1. All travel to and from contests is done on a school-sponsored vehicle. Exceptions to this are to be arranged with the coach in charge.
2. Participants in winter sports must have special gear in their possession to travel.
VII. Parent/Coach Conference
1. Call coach to set up an appointment
2. If coach cannot be reached, call athletic office and a meeting will be set up for you.
3. Importance of addressing concerns personally and rationally.
4. If necessary, Athletic Director will meet with parent/guardian only after parent/coaches conference.
VIII. Sportsmanship
1. Promote sportsmanship and character development.
2. Rewarding and disciplining players for sportsmanship and unsportsmanlike conduct.
3. Everyone will have character on the athletic field.
VIII. CoreCourseGPA
Hand out the letter explaining the web based computer program for keeping track of NCAA eligibility requirements.
You need to start out strong, and maintain good grades throughout school.
IX. Boosters
1. Who we are and what we do
2. Floyd Farrand